澳洲5开奖结果历史、2024澳洲幸运五开奖记录_澳洲幸运5的历史记录查询步骤、澳洲幸运5开奖结果及历史走势图 Protect the Right to Vote: Be a Poll Worker on Election Day 澳洲幸运5官方开奖结果优势、澳洲幸运5开奖号码历史查询、澳洲幸运5查询结果、Sign Up Today

澳洲5开奖结果历史、2024澳洲幸运五开奖记录_澳洲幸运5的历史记录查询步骤、澳洲幸运5开奖结果及历史走势图 Build Power
For People and the Planet

The League of Conservation Voters builds political power for people and the planet. We influence policy, hold politicians accountable, and win elections in order to create safe and healthy communities protected by a just and equitable democracy

A couple holding a green LCV sign that reads We Support Clean Energy Jobs
A couple holding a green LCV sign that reads We Support Clean Energy Jobs

Our Impact

We campaign for policy and legislation, including passing the most significant climate bill in U.S. history.
We fight to expand ballot access and protect and strengthen our democracy through legislation and executive action.
We elect champions for climate and democracy.

澳洲的幸运5 Our Key Strategies

LCV staff hold signs that read "Climate Action Now" and "We Support Clean Energy Jobs" in front of Capitol building in D.C.

Advancing Policy

We engage millions of people in the policy-making process to tackle the climate crisis, confront environmental injustices, and build an equitable democracy.

Person signing a petition in front of an art exhibit.

Building Grassroots Power

From the work of our state affiliates to our Chispa program’s deep community organizing to large field campaigns, we build a more powerful and racially inclusive movement.

Senator Hakeem Jeffries speaking at a podium during a Climate Action Now event.

Congressional Scorecard

The National Environmental Scorecard holds members of Congress accountable by scoring the votes that affect our climate, democracy, and the health of our communities.

LCV Victory Fund Volunteer poses at a community member's front door as they leave marketing materials behind on the doorknob

Winning Elections

We have a proven record of electing candidates at all levels of government who will fight for a healthier climate and a just democracy for all.

Photo of U.S. Capitol Building

National Environmental Scorecard

LCV’s National Environmental Scorecard is the gold standard for evaluating members of Congress.

Personnel from the Maryland League of Conservation Voters pose outside of the Maryland State House with signage thanking electeds for voting for climate solutions

Conservation Voters Movement

We are a powerful network of over 30 state organizations and LCV that work hand in hand.

An LCV Volunteer watches as a member of the community fills out a volunteer sign up form

Get Involved with LCV

We need you! Connect with your state affiliate, volunteer, donate, and stay informed.

Support the League of Conservation Voters in building power for people and the planet

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